Paler Ash - Emanuel Cederqvist & Sean Gardiner.
The book depicts the Ash tree and its fate due to Ash Dieback disease, posing a serious threat to the future of the species.
The photographs centre around Öland, Sweden (where the disease is well established and obvious) and Dorset, England (where it was then only starting to make itself apparent). These locations – a relative east and west of the geographic range of the tree – function as vague mirrors, each reflecting a different tense which ultimately comes to haunt the other, whether as approximate past or impending future.
Published by Blackbook Publications

The overall design
classic book elements with modern layouts and use of colors and type.
The cover is printed black on colored paper with a pearl foil. The same paper returns later in the book on text heavy pages.
Printed with Duplex on Lessebo Design Smooth Natural och Lessebo Colours Shitake.
The cover is printed black on colored paper with a pearl foil. The same paper returns later in the book on text heavy pages.
Printed with Duplex on Lessebo Design Smooth Natural och Lessebo Colours Shitake.